Brian McClatchy


In over 20 years of filmmaking, Brian has travelled to more than 60 countries around the planet acquiring a depth of experience which enables him to handle a wide range of film and video productions. Working on projects ranging from advertising and corporate-communications to natural history and wildlife documentaries, Brian has developed a dynamic visual style supported by a broad knowledge of state of the art imaging technology.

While receiving a BFA degree in Live Action Film & Video from The California Institute of the Arts, Brian also taught courses in Advanced Video Editing and Electronic Field Production.

After beginning his career in the San Francisco Bay area, Brian relocated to Germany in 1989 where he soon became Head of the Camera Department for the Sat 1 Television Studio in Stuttgart.

Since 1991, Brian has worked as a photographer and freelance DP shooting on locations worldwide. After extensive work spent shooting mainly for the world’s premiere automobile manufacturers based here in the “Detroit of Germany”, Brian has developed special skills concentrating on people and wildlife.


        Extensive work on culture, wildlife and sport productions for a wide range

        of American and German  Broadcasters

        National Geographic, Discovery Channel and Smithsonian HD Channel.

        ABC, NBC, PBS, WNET and Showtime Networks.

        ARD, Arte, WDR, ZDF, Sat 1, RTL, Deutsche Welle, 3Sat, DSF


    Mercedes Benz, AMG and Porsche

    Hewlett Packard, Microsoft and IBM

    Bosch, John Deere, Märklin and Hugo Boss and Bruno Banani

The chance to work as DoP on two children’s television series together with Germany’s pre-eminent science and nature filmmaker Volker Arzt (for Producer Heinz von Matthey starting in 2003) led to my being responsible for principal photography on over 15 natural history films since 2005 for WDR’s “Abenteur Erde”, produced mainly by von Matthey Film with Volker Arzt and animal-behaviorist Immanuel Birmelin.

- Recent productions include the award winning films “Bats, Wait Until Dark!” and “Amazing Plants”


   “Travels of the Snowy Owl” and “Return of the Peregrine Falcon”.

    Two new films being produced together with Dietmar Nill and Klaus Weissmann Naturfilm for WDR’s

    “Abenteur Erde”

    “Clever Birds - Kea vs. Crow” being produced by Text und Bild GmbH / WDR directed by Volker Arzt

FILMOGRAPHY AND AWARDS - list coming soon...